It seems the movies is getting rave reviews….
Go See Guardians of the Galaxy
By: Erick Erickson (Diary) @ Red State…..
Let me start with this before getting into the review. With the exception of Interstellar and The Hobbit, every single preview sucked. Every one. They were just awful. At first I thought I was in the wrong theater. They were juvenile and just ugh.
Now . . .
Marvel movies tend to have lots of humor in them, but can also take themselves rather seriously. Guardians of the Galaxy has lots of humor in it, but definitely doesn’t take itself seriously. I really enjoyed it.
The movie starts out on Earth in the eighties as the lead character, Peter Quill, is kidnapped moments after his mother dies. Fast forward a quarter century and we see him as the “Star Lord”, which is just his name for himself now as a thief.
Save for the open scene in the movie, which might bring a tear to your eye, the movie cuts lots of serious tension with laughs all the way through. It is a true comic book movie. The tense scenes can never get too tense. The last ten minutes of the movie interjected world annihilating action and an unexpected dance off.
True, building the various backstories of the characters happens rather quickly save for Peter Quill, but it works as they come together. And as the world is coming to an end, I noticed one thing that this got better than The Avengers. There are actually crowds. Did you ever notice that in the Battle of New York there were barely enough people to fill the outside tables of a restaurant? They get that right here….
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